The Books We Wished Had Sequels

by Tee Tate

I’m going to speak the unspeakable and go with the Harry Potter series.  I Harry-Potter-Seriesknow, I know, there were already SEVEN.  But I think Rowling really missed out on a tremendous opportunity to tell new and different stories in this incredibly creative world she envisioned and brought to life on the page.  There are so many stories yet to be told in the “Wizarding World” — from following Harry’s children through school at Hogwarts, to skipping back in time to tell James’ and Lily’s side of things (or even Snape’s!).  She could even leave the Potter family far behind and write about another time period in wizard history, or follow another family, or follow some magical creatures for once!  There are so many possibilities out there that — while I am in agreement about Harry’s story being done — I am no so certain about the rest of the characters.

-Kira Apple

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Elisha Dew 13 December, 2012 - 1:38 pm

Sharon, I’m so glad I’m not alone in my “no sequels necessary” opinion. There are lots of things I wouldn’t mind reading more of (like your Tolkein example), but I don’t feel the need for it.

paradiane 4 February, 2015 - 12:56 pm

I’ve always wished for a sequel to Mockingbird but now I’m not sure I want it!

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