This is incredible. Check out this post from GalleyCat. Guess we really are living in the digital age:
Bexar County, Texas has opened a new library that has no books inside. Instead the library is outfitted with iPad stations and iMacs loaded with digital books available to check out, making it the first digital library in the country.
The library is called the BiblioTech. Patrons can check out eBooks, audiobooks, and software training databases, as well as eReaders. The library also hosts computer classes and patrons can use laptops, tablets, and desktops at the branch.
The Associated Press points out that the library looks like an Apple Store but is located in a part of town which wouldn’t appeal to the tech company. “BiblioTech is on the city’s economically depressed South Side and shares an old strip mall with a Bexar County government building,” explains the AP.
I don;t know. That just makes me sad. Ebooks can be handy but it’s just not the same experience as holding an actual book.
Nothing like holding the real thing, not for me. I have an ereader, however, I prefer a paper book everytime. Sorry, I even bought it.
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