The best thing about running a site like LitStack is the diversity of folks you meet. Our writers come from all walks of life; their ages vary from those still in college to a granny or two. With this diversity comes a variety of tastes and preferences, a fact that is exhibited in the wide range of reviews you will find on our site. This post reflects the differences present in our writers and what formed those preferences.
Feel free to tell us why you love your genres in the comments, LitStackers. We want to hear from you!
I’m actually kind of the same way. I have a TBR stack, but that’s manily because I can never buy just one book and I get a bunch sent to me. I’ll just look at it and whatever catches my eye is generally the next one to get read (unless there is a review deadline for a certain book).The only reason I have a spreadsheet is because of all the books I come across. When I first started reading UF/PNR, I didn’t know that many authors, so when I went asking for suggestions, I received a TON. My TBR list at the time was around 90 novels; now its over 700 and there’s no way I would remember them all. I’ve joined challenges, but purely for fun. I never take them serious and I rarely finish all of them. I know this year I’ll be lucky to finish one and I’m even hosting one.
Most of the books I read are mysteries, I just enjoy reading anything with a good “who done it”.
Keeps the mind thinking like a good math question.
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