The Christian Bible
When I think of the most important book I have ever read, one book comes to mind — the Christian Bible. This book has been around for hundreds of years and continues to be a bestseller. More copies of the Bible have been sold than any other book in history. Estimates range from 2.5 billion to 6 billion Bibles sold. It’s read by people around the world in hundreds of different languages and translations. Technically, it is not a single book, but a collection of sixty-six books written by numerous authors over the span of a couple thousand years. Because it was penned by so many writers, over such a long period of time, and for so many different reasons, the Bible contains dozens of unique writing styles and genres. There’s history, mystery, drama, biography, romance, self-help, allegory, parables, poetry, and prophecy. Not to mention sage advice and inspiration. The Bible is my go-to guide for practical living.
-Angie Dilmore
I loved Angela's Ashes, too, Tee.
Isn't it wonderful, Angie? Loved that man.
So easy for me to answer that one: Madame Bovary.
All such great books – but I'd have to go with To Kill A Mockingbird
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