IT (Eye of the Spider)
By Stephen King
This is not the first time I have addressed Stephen King’s 1986 novel IT on LitStack. A great tale about seven awkward preteens who are brought together by chance (or ARE they?) to form a “Loser’s Club” in the summer of 1958. Said Loser’s Club finds itself facing down an unimaginable evil, both in 1958 and then again twenty-six years later, a creature whose most effective weapon is its ability to see into your deepest, darkest fears and take their shape…right before it eats you. IT feeds on your fear almost as desperately as it feeds on your flesh. The characters are dynamic, the story is spellbinding, the horror curdles the blood (stay away from any local McDonald’s as you read). IT is as captivating as it is terrifying. Until the end that is. Battling a GIANT SPIDER in a dimly lit cave? Really? The end is as BAD as the first ninety percent of the book is GOOD.
-Brian Horne
I think that for me, it would be The Time Traveler's Wife. In case someone hasn't read it, I won't say what I would change…but I suspect most who've read it know what I would change.
I would change that one too, aliceisforever.
And I totally agree with "IT". I was GLUED to that book (except that night a friend decided to raise a balloon right outside my bedroom window) and when I came to the end, I was poised for something equally dramatic and spellbinding and I got — a spider???? Pah-lu-heeze.
On Friday Night Knitting Club–It was a total letdown when the protagonist kicked the bucket. Didn't even bother to read the others in the series.
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