Because We Must by Tracy Youngblom is a candid exploration of motherhood and grief Please …
Rylie Fong

Rylie Fong
Rylie Fong is an aspiring publishing production manager who recently earned her Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Anthropology and Philosophy at Pitzer College. She was the 2021 Anthropology fellow under Claudia Strauss, working as an editor on a book about joblessness in Southern California. Rylie is an avid long-term reader of fiction and nonfiction alike, writing book reviews as a personal pursuit of passion.
LitStack ReviewsLitstack Now
An Emissary For Our Own Fate | “The Emissary” by Yoko Tawada
by Rylie Fongby Rylie FongYoko Tawada’s The Emissary is a breathtakingly light-hearted meditation on mortality and fully displays what …
LitStack ReviewsLitstack Now
More Than Corporate | “The Mezzanine” by Nicholson Baker
by Rylie Fongby Rylie FongIn The Mezzanine, by Nicholson Baker, the seemingly mundane events on a young man’s lunch …
LitStack ReviewsLitstack Now
The “Good” Wife | Unveiling the Power of Homemakers in “Mild Vertigo” by Mieko Kanai
by Rylie Fongby Rylie FongMild Vertigo is a novel for women, mothers, and any homemaker who deserves to be …
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In Conversation with Allison Landa | Beyond “Bearded Lady”
by Rylie Fongby Rylie FongWho’s Looking At Me? Sitting in a plush café booth on a sun-soaked Berkeley morning, …
LitStack ReviewsLitstack Now
Beautiful Complexity in “Bearded Lady” by Allison Landa
by Rylie Fongby Rylie FongA debut LitStack Review of Bearded Lady, by Allison Landa. A Rift In Consciousness Philosopher …