LitStack is proud to give you this review written by guest contributor, Michael Collins, who …
Michael Collins

Michael Collins
Michael Collins’ poems and book reviews have received Pushcart Prize nominations and appeared in more than 70 journals and magazines. He is also the author of the chapbooks "How to Sing when People Cut off your Head" and "Leave it Floating in the Water" and "Harbor Mandala" and the full-length collections "Psalmandala" and "Appearances," which was named one of the best indie poetry collections of 2017 by Kirkus Reviews. He teaches creative and expository writing at New York University and has taught at The Hudson Valley Writer’s Center, The Bowery Poetry Club, and several community outreach and children’s centers in Westchester. He is the Poet Laureate of Mamaroneck, NY.
LitStack ReviewsLitstack NowLitStack PicksPoetry
Kathy Nelson’s “The Ledger of Mistakes” – a LitStack Poetry Review
“…and my edges began to dissolve into the rising dark” The Ledger of Mistakes In …