LitStack is a place for bookworms and bibliophiles to discover recent releases and rediscover classics, a place to appreciate genre and argue literature, a place to check out cool stuff for readers and get the inside scoop from your favorite authors, agents, publishers and editors.
We’re your cozy neighborhood bookshop without the free coffee. (Sorry, we’re working on that.)
LitStack promotes the love of language and storytelling in its many and varied expressions and forms. LitStack’s diverse staff is comprised of writers and reviewers with MFAs and various advanced degrees, writers published in countless literary journals, an Eisner Award nominee, and established authors with large, engaged platforms. Above all else, LitStackers are readers.
Regular Segments
In addition to book reviews and regular spotlights on indie bookstores, indie publishers and releases, author birthdays, and libraries we love, LitStack features regular segments to promote current titles and build appreciation for older works.

LitStack’s Featured Author
This month-long series of posts includes reviews of previous releases by our Featured Author, along with a current interview and review to coincide with the author’s upcoming release.
5 Questions
Quick, fly-by interviews with some of your favorite authors and industry pros.
LitChat Interviews
Interviews with industry professionals, including agents, publishers and editors, who give insight on how to prepare your query for submissions.
Author Interviews
We like to talk to people who write those books we love, and when we do, we share those conversations with you.
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