For querying writers hoping to publish that first book, the challenge of querying for representation can be daunting. If you’re new to the #amquerying space, or thinking about taking the leap with your manuscript, here are some resources to guide you on the journey. All the below offer the basics for free, and for a fee, some provide specialty services.

In This Article for Querying Writers
14 Indispensable Resources
- QueryTracker: A comprehensive database that allows you to track your queries and research literary agents.
- Manuscript Wish List: Explore this website to discover agents and editors actively seeking specific types of manuscripts.
- Absolute Write Water Cooler: An online forum where you can connect with other writers and gain insights into the querying process.
- Query Shark: Dive into this blog for expert advice on crafting effective query letters.
- Publishers Marketplace: Get access to industry news, agent listings, and manuscript deals.
- AgentQuery: A valuable resource for finding literary agents based on your genre and preferences.
- Writer’s Digest: Offers various resources, including webinars, articles, and workshops, to help you navigate the querying journey.
- The Provides tips and examples to help you write a compelling query letter.
- QueryLetter Critique Service: Consider professional feedback on your query letter to improve its effectiveness.
- Querying & Beyond: Join this Facebook group to connect with writers in similar stages and gain support and insights.
- Literary Rambles: Explore this blog for agent spotlights, interviews, and submission guidelines.
- Query Boot Camp: A paid service that offers personalized query critiques and guidance from industry professionals.
- Manuscript Academy: Offers online courses taught by industry experts to help you refine your querying skills.
- Pitch Wars: An annual mentoring program that pairs aspiring authors with experienced writers to help polish their manuscripts and queries.
Remember, every writer’s journey is unique, so find the resources that resonate with you and tailor them to your specific needs. Good luck with your querying process! #amquerying
Query letter and literary agent resources for Querying Writers

The Darling Axe
A one-stop resource for the querying author with information on everything from writing a synopsis to query letter quandaries to agent interviews—and a yearly First Page challenge.
Jane Friedman on Query Letters
The definitive book industry expert unpacks the nuts and bolts of the successful query.

Eric Smith
Literary agent and YA author Eric Smith has collected some excellent links for queries, non-fiction book proposals, and general advice, including social media for authors.
Writer’s Digest: writing successful queries in any genre
A list of specific query samples by genre, with 39 examples of query letters that worked for writers, along with commentary from their agents.
Polishing up a query
On Twitter, #amquerying and #writingcommunity advocate Patrick Hopkins offers a thread on how to streamline and focus your query, line by line, along with insights into industry language.

The Manuscript Academy
The Manuscript Academy hosts a conference, meeting portal, written critique marketplace, workshop hub, event space, and podcast on the craft, business, and community of publishing. Members can book q & a’s with their panel of agents.

Reaching Your Readers
Agent, publicist, and writer Cassie Mannes Murray of Pine State Publicity on finding your audience.
Esmé Weijun Wang on the Agent Call
The acclaimed novelist and essayist offers a Twitter thread on what to look for in that all-important step in the writer’s professional journey.
Podcasts for Querying Writers

The Shit No One Tells You About Writing
For emerging and querying writers looking to improve their work, and publish, this behind-the-scenes look at the publishing industry features seasoned literary agents Carly Watters and CeCe Lyra from P.S. Literary, with host Bianca Marais.

First Draft: A Dialogue On Writing
Mitzi Rapkin conducts thoughtful, in-depth interviews with writers of fiction, non-fiction, essays, and poetry—a wide and diverse group of authors from Benjamin Percy and Emily St. John Mandel to Kent Haruf and Celeste Ng.
Mashable’s 25 best podcasts for writers
There’s everything here from grammar to craft to live storytelling and unpacking the nuances of world-building in fantasy and science fiction.

Reedsy’s best online communities for aspiring writers
From Camp NaNoWriMo to Reddit and Facebook groups, Reedsy’s list offers a range of community options for the writer ready to connect.
Writer’s Digest best writer community websites
From 2020, you’ll find everything from critique and support groups to accountability teams and networks for sharing work and expertise.
And finally, because it’s a fundamental for any writer, a Twitter thread on the best pens.
— Lauren Alwan
Other LitStack Resources
Be sure and check out other LitStack Recs and other articles by Lauren Alwan.
These are great resources. Thanks, Lauren!
Very helpful, Lauren. Thanks!
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